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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know what class to request?

We've affiliated with several well respected organizations that offer a wide variety of course options on purpose.  Health training needs are not a one size fits all.  We are more than happy to consult with you on your training needs to see if one of our current programs will address your particular need and if not, create one for you.  

Which organizations offer course completion or certification cards?

 All the organizations with whom we are affiliated offer programs that provide participants with course completion or certification cards.  However, not all courses offer them.  As an example the Friends and Family courses offered through the American Heart Association (AHA) does not provide participants with individual cards.  In this case, we would provide the site organizer with a copy of the course roster to validate who attended and completed the course.

I need to get a card showing that I completed a CPR course for my job, which course should I take?

This is a very common question.  Our first recommendation is to check with your employer.  They may require a specific sponsoring organization.  Generally speaking however, if you are a healthcare provider working in a JACHO accredited facility you will be required to take a BLS Provider course through the AHA.  Some private medical and dental practices will accept others such as that from HSI though.  In fact, the ADA will accept ASHI's BLS course for continuing education credit.  Non-healthcare providers, such as daycare center workers, will find the ASHI courses fit their training needs better.  

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Is there an age limit for the classes?

Generally speaking participants should be 16 years of age and older.  There are exceptions however.  The HSI Child and Babysitting Safety Course is appropriate for individuals 12 years and older.  We have had younger children with their parents at some of our Friends and Family training classes and have marveled at the "intensity" of these youngsters in attempting to do some of the skills!

How do I pay for the class?

Our instructors will accept cash or checks on site.  Individual participants can provide payment at the time they sign-in if they are responsible for payment.  If an organization has scheduled the class they may arrange to have an invoice sent to them following the class.  In this case, they will receive the invoice electronically and may submit payment upon receipt.  Participant certification cards, if applicable, will be sent once payment is received.  Payment is due within 30 days of the date of the class.  Payments received after the 30 day period are subject to additional fees or loss of applied discounts.  WE DO NOT ACCEPT ANY CREDIT CARDS OR OTHER ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS.

I took a course and lost the card, can I get a replacement?

Most organizations are now offering electronic or digital cards that are sent to your email address.  As such you can retrieve the card from that email.  Message here - don't delete your email with notification of your certification or completion card until it expires.  IF you do need to get a replacement you will need to provide your name, where and when you took the course, as well as the name of the course.  There is a processing fee that must be paid prior to receiving the card.  Contact our offices at for additional detail.

Where do you do the training?

We prefer to bring the training to you.  This allows us to also assess your facility and customize the training as needed.  Obviously on-line courses are done at your location and time schedule.  The skills check off will still necessitate an in-person session and is typically done at your place of employment.  HSI is now offering an option for Remote Skills Verification (RSV) wherein you would do the skills and have them assessed via videoconferencing.  For additional information and cost of RSV please contact us at  

MJS  Covering Your Training Needs
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